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Feb 17th 2023
THIS COULD BE THE MOST HORRIFIC ANIMAL SUFFERING PICTURE YOU WILL SEE TODAY, & YOU PROBABLY CANNOT TELL WHAT’S HAPPENING. This is the horror of industrial scale animal experimentation. #Rats have been forced into tubes and inserted into this device. #EndAnimalExperiments Image
These inquisitive, intelligent beings are unable to move and must be terrified. This contraption can choke to death up to 50 #animals at a time. Next, a technician switches on the machine and it fills with aerosol paint.
These animals are trapped & utterly immobile, with the only air available suddenly thick with choking paint for 3 hours. Half of them died, with survivors barely alive at the end of the test. The conclusion? Forced inhalation of paint is poisonous to #rats. #StopAnimalTesting
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