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Aug 1st 2018
Butina certainly has many talents. Greenberg's political and business lean tilts heavily towards Russia. His Center for National Interest is the most Kremlin-friendly think-tank in DC. and guess what @traciemac_Bmore? The Center hosted Trump's Mayflower Speech on April 27 2016.
Yes, this significant Mayflower speech which was fundamental in establishing a working agreement between Trump's campaign and Russia. In attendance was a veritable who's who of suspicious Washington types with last names like Flynn, Kislyak and Sessions.…
A few days ago @WendySiegelman was able to find solid ties between Butina's #NRA operation and @DanaRohrabacher's #EndMagnitsky campaign. Could Butina possibly tie it all to The Mayflower via Greenberg?
Read 4 tweets
Jul 29th 2018
This is significant because it ties the #NRA operation to the #EndMagnitsky operation, and all by way of #Kremlin’s own @DanaRohrabacher...And to put a bow on top of it, both operations link to @DonaldJTrumpJr and the #TrumpTower meeting. @WendySiegelman 👏
@traciemac_Bmore 👆forgot to tag.
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