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Jul 31st 2018

Lavrov Russia's top diplomat has claimed his country has insider knowledge on the military plans of the U.S. & its Western allies.

Is DHS considering cooperating w/ the Kremlin in honoring RU red notice requests to Interpol w/re Putin critics?

J-Ass tick-tock...

Trump admin mulls a unilateral 100B tax cut for the 1%.

Ghouliani admitted a prep meeting occurred a couple days before the infamous June 9th meeting w/ RUs at Trump Tower (June 7th, 2016)?

Giuliani says that meet incl’d Don Jr., Kush, Manafort, Gates & other’s.

Nasdaq Heads for Worst Three-Day Drop Since March: Markets Wrap

Trump's Treasury department expects to borrow $769 billion in the final 6 months of the year and a net 😱$1.33 trillion😱for the full calendar year Interest rates rise post announcement.💰😱💰
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