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Sep 13th 2020
So look cheetah. Decline many 'protected' areas. 77% pop UNPROTECTED areas.
#ExtinctiontheFacts REAL facts? Conservation not worked v areas traditionally stewarded. Greatest inventory? Namibia. 84% animal ag eg sheep wool swakara AND meat.
#BigGreenLIe #DefundBBC #DefundWWF ImageImageImageImage
So BEST thing you can do this year if you want to protect cheetah is buy a swakara coat. Plenty vintage if you can't afford because, you know unlike crap synthetic coats they last donkeys years.
PS for xstinkers who dont know one end of animal from another = SW African Karakul
But what do Davos cretins like @ZacGoldsmithMP want to do? Ban fur. Yeah right. Like there is any fur in here, another problem we are causing in Africa because we do NOT buy clothes that are long lasting animal derived.…
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Sep 13th 2020
Climate Denial Lobbyist Marc Morano, briefly seen on David Attenborough's #ExtinctionTheFacts on Alex Jones' Infowars with former UKIP deputy leader and Scottish Leader Lord Monckton. Brexit and climate science denial go hand in hand.
As the Chief Policy Adviser for the US lobby group Science and Public Policy Institute Lord Monckton appeared at the Heartland Institute's 2008 "International Conference on Climate Change". The Heartland Institute is a nasty bit of work (cont'd)
Before promoting climate change denial, in the 1990s, the Heartland Institute worked with the tobacco company Philip Morris to attempt to discredit the health risks of secondhand smoke and to lobby against smoking bans.
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Sep 13th 2020
1/ On David Attenborough's #ExtinctionTheFacts we had a glimpse of US Climate Change denial lobbyist Marc Morano. I did a quick wikipedia check on him.

He founded & runs the website which is a project of the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT)
2/ The Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) is a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit organization founded in 1985 that advocates for
free-market solutions to environmental issues. In 2010, nearly half of CFACT's funding came from Donors Trust,
3/ Donors Trust has been heavily funded by the Koch brothers. I'd never heard of Marc Morano before watching #ExtinctionTheFacts, but I was curious to see if he was another of the thousands of lobbyists and hundreds of politicians linked to the Koch brothers. And indeed he is.
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