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Nov 30th 2021
Do you know how many accounts i've KNOWN about (because this platform has been in control of the good guys for 3+ years now) that THOUSANDS have fallen in love with that were botts or people Purposely doing things A certain way that make others show who they truly are?
Everyone was told, "LEARN THE COMMS" ...
It's all been plain as day & EVERYONE was being/is being/ HAS BEEN #SHOWN but ones seem to enjoy only playing the popularity game or feeding into accounts who were literally put amongst EVERYONE Purposely to make it easy as TT to see who
Is who ...
"Why did this account get deleted or why did that account get suspended"? ...

It's truly been A blessing not being one of the ones the many tries to figure out. Those who know, know. They too just sit back, watch & learn. The many others who fall for all the traps,
Read 22 tweets

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