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Jan 4th 2023
Salut à toi, personne francophone qui voit cela et se demande "Mais c'est quoi la NAFO/ l'OFAN et comment en faire partie ?" (pour la suite du thread, on dira NAFO) : 1/ ?
Et bien, tu es au bon endroit pour avoir des réponses : Tout d'abord, sache que nous n'existons pas. En effet, aucune organisation et t'es autonome. Notre but : combattre la désinformation russes et les comportements haineux qui vont avec. Comment? 2/?
Les moyens les plus simples, efficaces et courants :
-signaler les contenus en infraction avec les ToS de Twitter et les lois de nos différents pays (aka "le bonk")
-le shitpost sous lesdites publications, mais aussi les pages des représentations officielles russes
et: 3/?
Read 14 tweets
Nov 8th 2022
Thread, #NAFO101 1/ approx.12:
If you read this, you're part or will soon be part of #NAFO. Congrats !!! As our non-negotiable expansion is on its way, it has been suggested to do a" #NAFO101 guide", and here it is.

First: How to join #NAFO ?
Well, since #NAFO lives in your head, rent-free, if you think you are a member, you are one. Second: if you want to be a Fella, an official one, you can donate here:

or buy something here:
When done, tweet the instructions about your Fella design and add the #FellaRequest, then wait. If you want, you can use this pic as a temporary Fella.
Read 13 tweets
Sep 26th 2022
fellas, i have a volunteer from ukraine in my replies, maybe someone wants to throw the wolves a snack so we can set the hero up )))
also, official protocol is that we express smiles as ")))" now, it's the law
Read 7 tweets
Jul 30th 2022
Páginas de apoyo a #Ucrania
Pages supporting #Ukraine.
Deja de quejarte, empieza a actuar.
Stop complaining, start acting.
2. @BackAndAlive
“Come Back Alive” is a Foundation providing competent assistance to the military.…
Can donate here:
Or in crypto:
Read 5 tweets
Jul 30th 2022
#FellaRequest #WeAreNAFO @Kama_Kamilia
I am very sad... seing all fellas I can't find "the origin of the Fellas" that moment where we where born.
I want them for my library. My request and my 3 ideas:
1) Prehistoric Fellas Hunting Vatniks
Read 7 tweets

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