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Feb 28th 2020
Happy #FoalFriday!—Meet Neptune, a colt born on Friday, Feb. 21, at our #Lompoc, Calif., headquarters sanctuary, to Juno, a member of our Hart Mountain herd. His sire is Freedom. #horses 1/6 Image
At RTF, we have used the immunocontraceptive vaccine PZP since 2000 to allow stallions and mares to live together in their family bands while curbing the rate of reproduction. We’ve done so with a 91-98% efficacy rate, so we do welcome the occasional adorable foal. #horses 2/6 Image
RTF is a proponent of the use of safe, proven and humane fertility control as a key tool to slow wild horse and burro reproduction, allowing for he phase-out of the government’s nearly 50-year-old practice of capturing and removing wild horses. #horses 3/6 Image
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Nov 8th 2019
Happy #FoalFriday from RTF! Here’s our colt Sol Dorado, center, with his mother, Esperanza, and Sol’s filly friend Kimimila (Butterfly). The three and Kimimila’s mother, Opal, are part of a group of 30 #horses, some pregnant, which came to our sanctuary in December. 1/2 Image
The horses came from the Cayuse Ranch, founded in 1916 by Wyoming homesteader Bob Brislawn. For decades, the ranch was home to some of the original bloodlines of the horses brought to the Americas by early Spanish explorers. 2/2
When the ranch was sold in 2017, the Brislawns quietly put a call for help. Several groups, including RTF, stepped up to provide homes for 150 mustangs.

These early Colonial Spanish horses represent the foundation of the vanishing bloodlines that define the American mustang. 3/3
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