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May 24th 2020
Spirit, the Kiger mustang stallion who served as model for animators of @Dreamworks 2002 Oscar-nominated film #SpiritStallionoftheCimarron turned 25 on May 8. We spent months planning a birthday party to celebrate his big day and raise funds for our sanctuary... #horses 1/5
2/5 ...Because of the pandemic, we canceled our planned event. But the story of America’s wild horses and burros of determination--so we moved Spirit’s party online for a yearlong celebration to raise funds for the 500+ wild horses and burros in our care... 2/5 #horses
3/5 ...On Spirit’s page, you can find videos from the movie’s screenwriter, @JohnFusco12, one of the film’s co-directors, Lorna Cook, birthday wishes from friends and fans, coloring pages and, of course, video of Spirit... #horses #spiritstallionofthecimarron
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Mar 4th 2020
Don't miss Spirit's 25th birthday celebration! In honor of the 25th birthday of Spirit, our Kiger mustang ambassador, and America's wild horses, join us on May 9 for a special benefit event at our #Lompoc, Calif., sanctuary. 1/3 #horses Image
The animation director for @Dreamworks' "Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron," Lorna Cook, will share stories from the making of the 2002 Oscar-nominated film for which our beloved stallion Spirit served as muse and model. 2/3 #horses
Join us for an afternoon of music, food, Native American song and blessings, educational presentations, ranch activities and more. Proceeds will go toward the care of the well over 500 wild horses and burros at our four sanctuary locations. 3/3 #horses
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Feb 28th 2020
Happy #FoalFriday!—Meet Neptune, a colt born on Friday, Feb. 21, at our #Lompoc, Calif., headquarters sanctuary, to Juno, a member of our Hart Mountain herd. His sire is Freedom. #horses 1/6 Image
At RTF, we have used the immunocontraceptive vaccine PZP since 2000 to allow stallions and mares to live together in their family bands while curbing the rate of reproduction. We’ve done so with a 91-98% efficacy rate, so we do welcome the occasional adorable foal. #horses 2/6 Image
RTF is a proponent of the use of safe, proven and humane fertility control as a key tool to slow wild horse and burro reproduction, allowing for he phase-out of the government’s nearly 50-year-old practice of capturing and removing wild horses. #horses 3/6 Image
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Oct 29th 2019
Last Saturday marked our final scheduled event of the 2019 program season: a wonderful photo safari at our #SanLuisObispo, Calif., satellite sanctuary. 1/3 #horses #centralcoast ImageImage
Thank you to each and every one of the more than 700 visitors of all ages who took part in tours, safaris, youth & family days, special clinics and private events this season at our #Lompoc, Calif., headquarters and in #SanLuisObispo. 2/4 #CentralCoast #horses ImageImage
It's gratifying for our staff to share the story of America's mustangs and help reconnect people with the natural world. Plus, each ticket purchased helps us to provide complete care to more than 550 resident wild horses and burros. 3/4 #horses ImageImage
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