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Jun 15th 2023
Lidia Thorpe has told the #Senate after making a complaint in 2021 she was assured by the LNP

“that the PM was informed at the time” & she thought
“that they understood the seriousness”

They took it SO seriously that Morrison now says he can’t recall a damn thing about it🙄
Lidia Thorpe quote after Hanson said something to her in the Senate which was inaudible

“Fuck off, Pauline!”

Just prior to this, Pauline was seen saying “Oh rubbish!” as Lidia was speaking.

Reported by Paul Karp/The Guardian.
Thorpe had also said shes “disappointed” that
“Instead of stepping up, taking accountability for the fact that he made me feel unsafe, he denied it.
“He asked his lawyers to send a letter, the same lawyers who represented Christian Porter”

Says it was “sexual assault” & that
Read 17 tweets
Dec 9th 2020
Labor & Greens Senators are asking how the Government has determined that the #CashlessDebitCard isn't racist. Obviously the card is racist. @MRobertsQLD decides to stand up and have a silly whinge about the comments that the card is racist. What a moron. #SaynoStirling
One of the biggest problems here is that there is an evaluation on the card that @Anne_Ruston doesn't have yet. Despite this, they are going to vote in 50 minutes. Ridiculous. #saynostirling #CashlessDebitCard #auspol
Known racist and piece of shit @PaulineHansonOz is now having a whinge about Labor & Greens querying whether the card is racist. Piss off. #PaulinesWarOnBattlers #SaynoStirling #CashlessDebitCard #auspol
Read 14 tweets

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