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Apr 13th 2021
I was naïve and silly when I caught Honduran President @JuanOrlandoH red-handed. I thought I'd hand it over, the right teams would take care of it, and I could get back to my actual job.
Instead, it was the beginning of a Sisyphean 2-year struggle (1/6)…
FB wasn't too surprised at the revelation. When I presented the situation to public policy leaders in 2018, one of them explained that he'd already been told socially by Hernandez's political consultants that they used troll farms.

That should have been my first red flag. (2/6)
But to me this was shocking. I was only half a year into a low-level DS job. I spoke no Spanish, had never visited Latin America, knew nothing about who this Juan Orlando Hernandez chap was until I Googled him.

I still caught him red-handed. He didn't care to hide. (3/6)
Read 6 tweets
Apr 30th 2019
#Honduras: Today, a new day of protests against the privatization of health and education. Protesters confront police in #Tegucigalpa.
#FueraJOH #HondurasEnCrisis
#Honduras: The car of the criminal lawyer Martin Calix was burned down in #Tegucigalpa. #FueraJOH #HondurasEnCrisis
Read 8 tweets
Apr 30th 2019
#Honduras: Protesters torch mayor's office in rally against health and education reforms in #Tegucigalpa.…
The protests took place as a work-stoppage continued in schools and some hospitals, after unions representing teachers and doctors launched strikes late last week. #FueraJOH #ParoNacional
Video: city hall building in #Tegucigalpa
#Honduras: José Humberto Duarte, a teacher, was shot by an undercover police officer in #Tegucigalpa. #FueraJOH
Video: a plainclothes cop with a pistol.
Read 6 tweets

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