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Apr 16th 2021
G-MODE's celebrating the one-year anniversary of G-MODE Archives by once again taking user requests for feature phone games you'd like to see reissued—reply with the name of the game & maker/publisher with the #GMODEアーカイブス🇯🇵 request as many as you like but only 1 per tweet
in the year since the first G-MODE Archives release, they've reissued 36 🇯🇵 feature phone games, including a couple that are available on the US/EU eShops, and they've recently established a dedicated sub-label for third-party reissues, as well as plans to release them on Steam
oh and there's an April 24 deadline

for reference, here are some (incomplete) overviews of various larger galakei publishers' catalogues, starting with:


Read 6 tweets
Jul 15th 2020
G-Mode's taking suggestions for feature phone games you'd like to see reissued via G-Mode Archives—reply to the quoted tweet with the name of the game, the dev/publisher & the tag #GMODEアーカイブス🇯🇵 1 game per tweet but send as many tweets as you want, submissions close July 19
here's a suggestion I hadn't heard of until now: I am 魚, an adventure game by a few of the people behind the Tingle DS game including Taro Kudo and Kazuyuki Kurashima…🇯🇵
icymi, the deadline closes soon!

gonna start listing various keitai libraries as best I can—my guess is the big ones won't collab but if nothing else, you might learn of something new

let's start with Sega……
Read 6 tweets

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