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Nov 7th 2020
1/ There is a confusion between early vs advanced cancer & Superficial vs Deep Ca
πŸ‘‰ Early Ca-Invasion depth to submucosa only, irrespective of nodal status
πŸ‘‰ Advanced Ca- invasion beyond submucosa with regional nodes or distant metastasis
#GITwitter #MedTwitter #Gastroresidents Image
2/ Superficial lesions- those that are believed to be endoscopically resectable

Deep lesions- those that are deemed β€œtoo deep” to be scooped, and thus endoscopically unresectable

#GIFellows #ACG #Tweetorial Image
3/ The decision for endoscopic resection is based on combination of morphological and advanced imaging appearance (NBI/Chromo) @giendo_roy

High Risk for Submucosal Invasion
πŸ‘Ž Depressed lesion
πŸ‘Ž Kudo V pit pattern
πŸ‘Ž NICE 3 pattern
πŸ‘Ž Fold convergence
πŸ‘Ž Non-lifting sign Image
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