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Feb 27th 2022
Sunday border scramble in the sun, near Malval in Geneva. Political borders seeming dauntingly less trivial this week, as we think of people in Europe fleeing to safety across borders, while soldiers invade across others. #Geography #BorderNerds 🇫🇷🇨🇭 ImageImageImage
No. 138 We chased down lots of border stones in a marshy wood, of different ages. This one was apparently moved to save it from being swept away by the stream, so the marks on top indicate this, showing that the border follows the stream after this point.🇨🇭🇫🇷 #Border #Geography ImageImageImageImage
No. 139 Super strange F (France) engraved backwards; G (Geneva) presumably recarved over previous mark/sign🇨🇭🇫🇷 #Border #Geography ImageImageImageImage
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