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Dec 22nd 2022
NEW: Arizona Agrees to Remove Shipping Containers from US-Mexico Border…
...Both in Coronado National Forest in Cochise County and near Yuma, Arizona. The agreement was filed as a stipulation in federal court. #arizona #BorderCrisis #Borderlands
The agreement came one week after the federal government filed a lawsuit against Gov. Ducey & Arizona for encroaching on federal lands and dumping hundreds of double-stacked shipping containers into the wilderness along the US-Mexico border. legal agreement to remove shipping containers placed on the
Since the project began in late October, workers have feverishly placed hundreds of shipping containers along the Arizona/Sonora border in Southern Cochise County, forming a precarious barrier and a gash through an otherwise pristine stretch of oak grassland.
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Feb 27th 2022
Sunday border scramble in the sun, near Malval in Geneva. Political borders seeming dauntingly less trivial this week, as we think of people in Europe fleeing to safety across borders, while soldiers invade across others. #Geography #BorderNerds 🇫🇷🇨🇭 ImageImageImage
No. 138 We chased down lots of border stones in a marshy wood, of different ages. This one was apparently moved to save it from being swept away by the stream, so the marks on top indicate this, showing that the border follows the stream after this point.🇨🇭🇫🇷 #Border #Geography ImageImageImageImage
No. 139 Super strange F (France) engraved backwards; G (Geneva) presumably recarved over previous mark/sign🇨🇭🇫🇷 #Border #Geography ImageImageImageImage
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Nov 25th 2021
How do we steward #forests & #borderlands in a time of human upheaval & migration? Not by building border walls. Our letter @ScienceMagazine about how Poland’s planned wall would threaten transboundary #Białowieża Forest @MZmihorski @UNESCO @BonnConvention…
Transboundary frontiers are an emerging conservation priority as they often overlap #biodiversity hotspots & are threatened by construction of border infrastructure. Neighboring countries must co-steward wildlife that cross manmade lines @EcologyJiajia…
We know from research on the US-Mexico border that walls do not deter people but do impede wildlife, including low-flying birds like pygmy owls. Barriers are an increasing global trend that fragment #connectivity of habitats & populations @ljevanso…
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Feb 11th 2021
Video games are taking over Hollywood. In the past 24 hours, several A-list stars have signed on to some of the most high-profile adaptations of major video games in the coming years. Here’s everything you might have missed.
Pedro Pascal will play Joel in HBO’s series adaptation of #TheLastOfUs.
Bella Ramsey, best known for her role as Lyanna Mormont in #GameOfThrones, will play Ellie on HBO's upcoming series adaptation of #TheLastOfUs. The character is described as a 14-year-old orphan who has never known anything but a ravaged planet.
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Jul 19th 2019
Mega #Forestry day today in #Hexham ... 👍
A thread on #trees, forestry, #jobs, #climatechange, #environment + so much more:
- start with thanks to @EGGER_UK + @John_Forestry for hosting @treechampion + #Defra Forestry Minister @DavidRutley + many more 1/ Image
#Egger provides over 650 jobs in Hexham + is the largest, + probably best, private sector employer in #Northumberland. Staff are understandably v proud of this family owned business. Great for #Forestry Minister @DavidRutley to meet, support and talk to them 2/ Image
David was here to convene a round table to listen + address:
- #Forestry industry opportunities
- challenges
- discuss an action plan for the way ahead
- getting the many arms of #Defra working together to get more trees planted 3/ Image
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Jul 2nd 2019
Am staying out of the #ToryLeadershipElection, as it is down to members now, but some thoughts on this proposal to merge govt depts:
- I start with a desire for more devolution to local areas, more local accountability / powers
+ have championed #Borderlands + #NorthofTyne
Any Minister will tell you that
- a good relationship with Treasury is key, so integration is attractive ... if you still get joined up govt.
There are good arguments that @DFID_UK + @foreignoffice could, + probably, should merge to create synergy of govt approach 2/
More important than physical co location is the attitude + cooperation of ministers + civil servants. If they work well together, without ego, then stuff happens. So while infrastructure + transport have synergy, but justice was rightly taken out of the home office by Blair 3/
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Jan 7th 2019
Stories from the Rajasthan border.

A thread.

The Thar Express runs between Karachi and Jodhpur, ferrying Indians and Pakistanis. Most of them are travelling, on their hard-earned visas, to meet their relatives, attend marriages and undertake pilgrimages.

Every year ~5000 Pakistani Hindu passengers, majority from Sindh, choose to stay back in India. Many, fearing religious discrimination. Some, for better education & employment. Most want to reconnect with their relatives, usually in Kutch, who were separated post partition.
Since Pakistani citizens in India are not free to visit border districts or roam beyond a city, they start living in temporary settlements around the city of their arrival.

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