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May 14th 2022
"The best relationships and the right opportunities handle the truth. The ones that can’t were never reciprocal. They were never real. They were never honest. Be honest. You won’t ever regret it." -- Eve Barlow @Eve_Barlow…
After the Zeitenwende: Jürgen Habermas and Germany's new identity crisis - New Statesman…
#RussiaUkraine, #GermanHistory, #InternationalRelations, #PostReunification
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Aug 15th 2021
My cousin the „Jungpionier“

Although my cousin, born in March 1983, so the same year as I, just 8 months before, she was the only one of us two that actually became a real "Jungpionier", because she started school in 1989. Image
I on the other hand was denied this "award". Unbelievable! She also had the pleasure of eight weeks of summer vacation, at least once in her life.
I had my first day of school in August 1990, a few weeks before the German reunification.
So by then, the fall of the Berlin Wall was less than a year ago and I proudly displayed my white dress with its purple silk bow and uncomfortable patent leather shoes at the „Einschulung“ (first day of school).
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