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Apr 28th 2023
#ArtificialIntelligence is revolutionizing #diplomacy in unprecedented ways, reshaping the future of international relations.
#AI #Diplomacy

1/11: From data analysis to predictive algorithms, AI offers diplomats and policymakers powerful insights to tackle global challenges.

#AI #DiplomaticInsights
2/11: AI can help us detect patterns, forecast trends, and evaluate the effectiveness of policies beyond human capabilities. #AI #AdvancedAnalytics
Read 12 tweets
Apr 26th 2023
1/ Having been an #InternationalRelations professor from 2014-2020 (now a researcher in Latin American studies, but still an IR scholar...), I kinda felt compelled to comment on this. I know it's perhaps not the intention of the author, but this does sound as if IR scholars...
2/ ...represented pro-Moscow views on the #Russian-#Ukrainian #War in significant numbers. Now, in Germany, for example, there are roughly 120 tenured professors in IR and closely related fields such as security studies - according to this list from 2017:ā€¦
3/ AFAIK, only two of them, one since retired, have uttered opinions that are clearly supportive of the RU govt's POV. There was another, hired after 2017, and since dismissed for plagiarismšŸ¤£. It's a small community, I don't think there are more. Therefore, most likely, less...
Read 20 tweets
Mar 19th 2023
šŸŽ–ļø Today marks the 20th anniversary of the 2003 Invasion of Iraq, a significant event in modern history with lasting consequences on global politics, regional stability, and countless lives. #IraqWar20
šŸ“° The invasion was launched on March 20, 2003, under the banner of "Operation Iraqi Freedom," with the stated goal of disarming Iraq of weapons of mass destruction and removing the regime of Saddam Hussein. #ShockAndAwe
šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ‡¬šŸ‡§ The US, UK, and other coalition forces led the invasion, facing minimal resistance initially as they rapidly advanced towards the Iraqi capital, Baghdad. #CoalitionOfTheWilling
Read 20 tweets
Mar 18th 2023
The ICC Indictment of Putin: Consequences for Russia and the World
#ICC #Putin #WarCrimes #GlobalPolitics #InternationalRelations #Europe #Russia #NATO #UnitedNations #G20 #HumanRights
The recent International Criminal Court (ICC) indictment of Vladimir Putin on charges of war crimes may seem like a symbolic victory, but its impact goes far beyond symbolism. 1/16
While it is unlikely that Putin will ever stand trial in The Hague, the indictment will have significant consequences for Russia's relationship with the rest of the world and for politics within Russia itself. 2/16
Read 18 tweets
Jan 12th 2023
šŸ”„ šŸ§µs on #NeoIdealism šŸ§µ šŸ”„

2. Why is 'Neo-Idealism' called 'Neo-Idealism'?

- I outlined this new approach to #IR & Grand Strategy in a previous thread (see linked tweet).
- Now I dig deeper into the name & concept

I first introduced the idea of #NeoIdealism in a piece for @RUSI_org in April '22 but Its fullest elaboration so far is in my book - 'To #Ukraine With Love'
- published last month & available now on kindle & paperbackšŸ˜Žā€¦

So why call it Neo-Idealism?

Some of the Neo-Idealists from #CEE - sometimes explicitly - seek to refresh the hopeful, people-centred politics that flourished in the post-communist transitions of the 1990s but which had wilted more recently, especially after the 2008 financial crisis
Read 25 tweets
Dec 15th 2022
OK, itā€™s on!

To #Ukraine With Love
Essays on #Russiaā€™s War & #Europeā€™s Future

- is now out on @amazon Paperback and #Kindle

āž”ļøa short(ish) thread of thanks
- & promotion as šŸ“– raises awareness &šŸ’°for šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦.

(UK order link below
others follow inšŸ§µ).ā€¦
So what is the book about?

- it collects a lot of my Essays, Interviews, Op-Eds & Analytical Commentaries for media & think tanks from Dec 21 - Dec 22

& adds āž•āž•āž•ā€¦
āž”ļø a brand new #Longread piece
ā€˜The New Idealismā€™

- the deepest development of #NeoIdealism so far as an emerging approach to #grandstrategy & #internationalrelations.

- what is Neo-Idealism (& why the name?) & who are the Neo-Idealists.

Read 28 tweets
Jun 22nd 2022
The thread based on this article went ballistic
- I *suspect* because of #Kraftwerk rather than #IRTheory
BUT there's something more to the piece than just the international politics of #Germany's postwar cultural history.
Short(er) šŸ§µ
Difference has always been at the heart of #InternationalRelations (#IR)
- The very notion of ā€˜relationsā€™ requires difference between the units doing the relating
- Despite the name, IR focused on states rather than nations as the units that related to each other. Image
These states, seen as clearly distinguishable were often imagined to represent particular nations, which could be seen as different - & neatly, even ā€˜naturallyā€™ bordered from each other (e.g. Agnew, 1994).
Read 24 tweets
Jun 7th 2022
ā€œItā€™s all about a progressive, rational policy for social control. Social inclusion is the most productive means of social control.ā€ -- David Brothertonā€¦
New Neuroscience Reveals 5 Rituals That Will Make Your Life Awesomeā€¦
#neuroscience, #gratitude, #reciprocity, #altruism, #choice, #enjoyment
Read 13 tweets
May 15th 2022
"Poetry...cannot be copied. Itā€™s an artifact of introspection that can only be mastered by our species. There is no superhuman way to write poems because we write them by virtue of being what a computer isnā€™t: human." -- Carmine Starnino @cstarninoā€¦
Origin of life theory involving RNAā€“protein hybrid gets new supportā€¦
#LifeOrigins, #RNAProtein, #AminoAcids
Poetry & digital personhood by Carmine Starnino | The New Criterionā€¦
#ArtificialIntelligence, #MachineLearning, #DigitalPersonhood, #ArtFuture
Read 13 tweets
May 14th 2022
"The best relationships and the right opportunities handle the truth. The ones that canā€™t were never reciprocal. They were never real. They were never honest. Be honest. You wonā€™t ever regret it." -- Eve Barlow @Eve_Barlowā€¦
After the Zeitenwende: JĆ¼rgen Habermas and Germany's new identity crisis - New Statesmanā€¦
#RussiaUkraine, #GermanHistory, #InternationalRelations, #PostReunification
Read 13 tweets
May 5th 2022
"Fear...rarely creates real unity. The world needs the kind of motivation which awakens in us our altruistic instincts and creates true unity from diversity. To accomplish this the force must be spiritual in nature." -- Richard Meierā€¦
Why rats don't deserve their dirty reputation, according to scientistsā€¦
#UrbanDwellingMammals, #HumanHealth, #DiseaseCarriers, #ResearchResults
Read 13 tweets
Apr 29th 2022
"Using a laboratory rheometer, we measure failure mechanics of the eponymous Oreoā€™s ā€œcremeā€ and probe the influence of rotation rate, amount of creme, and flavor on the stressā€“strain curve and postmortem creme distribution." -- Owens, Fan, Hart, McKinleyā€¦
Read 13 tweets
Mar 30th 2022
From Cold War to Hot Peace by Slavoj Žižek - Project Syndicateā€¦
#RussiaUkraine, #GlobalCapitalism, #PoliticalConflict, #InternationalRelations
Houston, Dallas led metro area growth in 2021 even as their urban cores lost populationā€¦
#PopulationGrowth, #MetropolitanAreas, #UrbanDemographics
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Mar 18th 2022
Protein tweak makes CRISPR gene editing 4,000 times less error-proneā€¦
#CRISPR, #GeneEditing, #Cas9Protein, #ErrorCorrection
Read 13 tweets
Feb 28th 2022
Higher levels of biodiversity appear to reduce extinction risk in birdsā€¦
#biodiversity, #BirdExtinction, #RiskReduction
Read 13 tweets
Feb 14th 2022
Study: US is an oligarchy, not a democracy - BBC Newsā€¦
#USA, #oligarchy, #democracy
Why is molten lava often covered with zig-zag patterns? - BBC Science Focus Magazineā€¦
#MoltenLava, #ResearchResults, #MoltenWax, #FlowPatterns
Read 20 tweets
Feb 4th 2022
Hard barriers and soft power: Study assesses outsider perceptions of border wallsā€¦
#BorderWalls, #SoftPower, #InternationalRelations, #NationSecurity, #PersonalPerception
Individually optimal choices can be collectively disastrous in COVID-19 disease control | BMC Public Health | Full Textā€¦
#IndividualOptimalChoices, #PublicHealth, #InterventionNoncompliance, #SpreadSuppression, #ResearchResults
Read 20 tweets
Feb 2nd 2022
A Billion Years of Time Are Mysteriously Missing. Scientists Think They Know Why.ā€¦
#GrandCanyon, #geology, #GreatUnconformity, #TectonicModel
What Happens Next in Ukraine Could Change Europe Forever | Timeā€¦
#InternationalRelations, #russia, #ukraine, #europe
Read 20 tweets

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