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Mar 13th 2019
#ThanthirMohalla of #GurwethKalan village is known as copper village of #Kashmir. It is situated roughly 30 kilometers away from the #Budgam’s main town. Every residence of the village has one workshop for molding, & making Copper utensils. 1/n @HappaNarinder @Iftikhar_Misgar
In 1980, #copperwork was introduced in the #GurwethVillage by 2 locals #GhulamKadirAhangar & #AbdulRahman. Even after 40 years, nothing has changed in the village. In every workshop, sits 3-4 workers, side by side, to work on the different parts of a single copper utensil. 2/n
#NisarAhmed, the president of #AllKashmirCopperDealersAssociation, mentioned 50-60% increase in demand of copper utensils, while stating that the number of craftsmen is declining. There is need to keep alive the art of Kashmir. 3/n @parawahid @syedKashaf95 @khanumarfa @shahfaesal
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