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Jan 18th 2019
Back to Basics: #GlobalCorruptionScandal101 DID a soulless, sadistic conman, mob money launderer & failed businessman sell himself to the American public?
With help. A lot of help.
Let's look at just *some* of the people who helped.
Help from shitbags in entertainment:
Those shitbags 100% knew tRUmp was a bankrupt failure. They trustwashed him and success-washed him so their little show wouldn't end up as an embarrassment.
This is a true story:
Some of those shitbags then moved into "infotainment," aka "news" but for ratings and ad money, not for actually educating the public about things the public NEEDS TO KNOW.
Jeff Zucker, who greenlit "The Apprentice," became president of CNN in Jan 2013.
Read 18 tweets
Jan 17th 2019
Back to Basics: #GlobalCorruptionScandal101:
What the hell is 1MDB and why should we care about a corruption scandal in Malaysia?
Answer: 1MDB is a significant part of the #GlobalCorruptionScandal. It connects several shady entities & Trump-Russia players.
1MDB basics splainer: 1Malaysia Development Berhad
The US DoJ's Kleptocracy Initiative is prosecuting people and companies involved in the theft of over $3.5BILLION from the people of Malaysia via 1MDB corruption.…
1MDB ensnares some of tRUmp's nearest and dearest. Like Elliot Broidy:
Read 24 tweets
Jan 10th 2019
#GlobalCorruptionScandal101 In March 2017, @RepSpeier said members of Trump's cabinet are tied up in the web of corruption:
Sessions & Rex Tillerson are gone. Chao is Turtle McConnell's wife. Wilbur Ross was short-selling the stock of a Kremlin-linked shipping firm WHILE STILL ON THE CABINET. Betsy DeVos' brother = Erik Prince, who wants to "privatize" the war in Afghanistan.
Read 6 tweets
Jan 9th 2019
Back To Basics.
Understanding how we got to where we are now is ESSENTIAL.
These four books are MUST-READS. You need a solid understanding of how the Russian mafia and Russian state work together.
#GlobalCorruptionScandal101: Building your Mob Library. Let's begin!
1) Red Mafiya by Robert Friedman explains how the Russian mafia rolled the US mafia in the 1980s/90s. This book should be required reading for EVERY AMERICAN.
(Feature appearance of Trump Taj Mahal-where Russian mobsters loved to hang out & launder $$$)…
2) A Very Expensive Poison by @lukeharding1968
Luke's incredible reporting of the murder, by the state of Russia, of a brave and ethical former FSB officer who coined the term, "Russian Mafia State." It's heartbreaking. Read it.…
Read 6 tweets

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