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#Eleições2022 | Entenda a importância de Minas Gerais nas eleições…
#Eleições2022 | MG é o 2º maior colégio eleitoral do Brasil, com 16,2 milhões de pessoas aptas a votar neste ano. Por ser a casa de 10% do eleitorado nacional, o Estado é fundamental para quem quer chegar ao Palácio do Planalto.  

Em 2018, #Haddad (PT) foi o mais votado entre os norte-mineiros, com 60,1%, assim como ocorreu no Nordeste (69,7%). A região metropolitana da capital, no entanto, optou por #Bolsonaro (61,2%), próximo do resultado no Sudeste (65,4%).

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Meet John Casablancas, founder of Elite Model Management, prolific child rapist, and trafficker. He was Ivanka Trump's manager, was a close associate of U.S. President Trump, and sat on the board of Trump Realty Brazil. #OpDeathEaters Image
#Epstein used modeling agency connections Jean Luc #Brunel of MC2 Models and Les #Wexner of L Brands (Victoria's secret) to target young girls. #Trump started a modeling agency, Trump Model Management, in 1999 cloned after #Casablanca's own Elite Model Management. #OpDeathEaters Image
John Casablancas was born in New York in 1942, attended Le Rosey boarding school in Switzerland which educates children of the global elite including names below. Several names will be familiar to #OpDeatheaters researchers.…Image
Read 53 tweets
This thread will look into the French connection to Epstein through child trafficker Jean-Luc #Brunel owner of MC2 Model Management. Brunel was Jeffery #Epstein's buddy and supplier who once gave him three 12-year-olds as a birthday present. #OpDeathEaters
Victims testified in court that #Epstein raped young girls from South America, Europe, and the former Soviet republics, including three 12-year-old girls brought from France as a birthday gift by Jean-Luc #Brunel (he was not charged). #OpDeathEaters…
In 2005, Jean-Luc #Brunel founded the MC2 Model Management agency which #Epstein invested $1 million, according to a 2010 deposition. #OpDeathEaters…
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