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Apr 25th 2019
Just been approached by a Yankees staff who has been ordered to remove us from the stadium (under the orders of @NYCFC and Matt Peligrino in particular) if we hold up a 3x4 “NYCFC antifascists” banner.
#NYCFC gameday operations decides the way to deal with their Nazi problem is to ignore it and eject anyone who complains by hold a small flag.

This seems smart!
Video of one of the two (that’s me obvs) being ejected from #NYCvCHI by NYPD / @yankeestadium security on the orders of @NYCFC game day operations exec, for holding up a 3X4 “#NYCFC antifascists” flag in the supporters section. It’s that blue thing
Read 18 tweets
Apr 24th 2019
Neo-Nazi skinheads travelled w a #NYCFC fan group this weekend to #DCU where they displayed banners in the stadium w/slogans borrowed from Spanish fascist hools, including a Nazi Oi band named after the unit that fought for Hitler.

These skinheads later posed with @templados12
Here are the same Nazi skinheads in the supporters group and posing for photos
And here are the same Nazi skinheads posing with @templados12
Read 36 tweets

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