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Dec 2nd 2021
Update: ANL lost their appeal in the copyright lawsuit vs. #MeghanMarkle. The summary judgement that Justice Warby issued will stand. Meghan won both the copyright & privacy claims. ANL can still ask to appeal to the Supreme Court but success is unlikely.
“The publisher of the Mail on Sunday has lost a legal battle to overturn a High Court ruling on its publication of a letter written by #MeghanMarkle to her estranged father.”…
“Today,the courts ruled in my favor—again—cementing that The Mail on Sunday…has broken the law. The courts have held the defendants to acct,& my hope is that we all begin to do the same…These harmful practices don’t happen once in a blue moon—they’re a daily fail” #MeghanMarkle
Read 31 tweets
Mar 24th 2021
“Splash News & Picture Agency, which has been fighting the duchess in a privacy case, has also been a notable name for suing celebrities for posting images of themselves on social media.” 🙌🏾😂 #MeghanMarkle #HerPower…
“Splash News & Picture Agency, a prominent paparazzi shop, has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. A global pandemic that had celebrities staying indoors is partly to blame, but also notable is Splash's legal adventures over the years”
“both as a plaintiff suing celebrities for posting copyrighted images of themselves as well as a defendant in a privacy action brought by #MeghanMarkle. Having difficulty navigating the financial situation, Splash reports having defaulted on a loan now worth nearly $1 million”
Read 10 tweets

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