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Jun 18th 2020
@PrasanthTweets, @SFLCin's legal director appeared before the Chief Justice's bench in #Calcutta High Court today for the #Hoogli Internet shutdown matter.

@SFLCin had filed an additional affidavit earlier.

For now, the matter has been adjourned for two weeks.
In the arguments that took place today, the Court highlighted that it is important to look into this matter as it will set precedents for future shutdowns.

We believe that this is an important observation that the court has made.

We will be filing detailed replies to the affidavit filed by the West Bengal state government in the meantime.

We will also be uploading more details about the hearing soon. Please watch this space for more.

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Jun 11th 2020 defines internet shutdowns as "a Government-imposed disablement of access to the Internet as a whole within a particular locality or localities for any duration of time" @APC_News @CYRILLA @gayatrikl
Internet shutdowns are generally instituted as a measure to curb violence & unrest in conflict ridden areas. Explanation offered by authorities is that the Internet makes it easier to spread rumors and false propaganda, making it more likely for violence to break out. @APC_News
There are primarily two acts under which Internet Shutdowns can be imposed by the government.
-Section 144 of the Criminal Procedure Code
-Section 5(2) of the Indian Telegraph Act coupled with Temporary Suspension of Telecom Services Rules which were notified in 2017. @CYRILLA
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May 16th 2020
The special hearing in the #CalcuttaHC is scheduled at 11:00AM today. @SFLCin's legal Director @PrasanthTweets is appearing before the Division Bench to argue the matter of #Internetshutdown in #Hoogli District in W.B. We will keep you posted with the developments. #LetTheNetWork
UPDATE - The AG has assured the Bench that #shutdown will not be extended for #HoogliDistrict. AG will also be filing additional affidavits countering the submissions made. The matter has been listed for Friday, 22nd of May 2020. #LetTheNetWork
We will be sending out a press release with more details soon, in case you would like a copy, please write to us at
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May 13th 2020
Mobile Internet suspended in Chandranagar and Serampur sub divisions in Telinipara area of Hoogli Districts in #WestBengal following following communal clashes.
We have been hearing that the internet has been shutdown in nearby areas of the Hugli District as well.
We are trying to confirm this.
Please report if you have come across any reports @NetShutdowns & @SFLCin.
The Internet services have been shut in the entire #Hoogli District from 2:30PM on 12th May to 6PM on 17th May.
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