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1. Thread on Legend and Teigen - chrissy teigen, john legend... #johnlegend #chrissyteigen #luna Image
2. This is not a deep dive, it will mainly be a series of tweets from Teigen of a pedophilic nature that Chrissy Teigen was allowed to get away with in Twitter 1.0 #chrissyteigen #pedophiletweets Image
3. Chrissy Teigen likes seeing little girls do the splits half naked, knows its wrong but still tweets about it and was allowed to get away with it.... #chrissyteigen Image
Read 81 tweets
1.Got my mind blown by #DrKatherineHorton's video in this great thread, she is a targeted individual & her video on the #JesuitEducationalEstablishments is mindboggling!ā€¦
2. She was a fellow at #StJohnsCollege at #Oxforduniversity, has a Phd in #particlephysics, worked at #DESY & #CERN, & was targeted by the British Intelligence as a test subject for #targetedenergyweapons. Her bio is here:
3. Katherine rightly recognized, that the #OxfordUniversity logo depicts a #garter, as in #TheOrderoftheGarter, which is the inner circle of the #Committeeof300- i.e. the top dogs, the 0.1% ImageImage
Read 9 tweets

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