KillingEve Profile picture
I heal. I dissolve both your delusions & mine. You are music& light. Speak the truth. It's refreshing. Show me your song .
Jul 31, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
My questions reg. Southport incident: Why is a children's yoga teacher Leanne Lucas organising Taylor Swift themed events for young children? Does she not know Taylor is a top MKUltra slave & moneymaker for the elite? How appropriate is to condition small kids with her music? Image Why is she using bee symbology on her website? A known Freemasonic symbol? Is she just gullible or is she just another chaos agent? Image
Dec 26, 2020 7 tweets 5 min read
Boom news! #Estonia's #Guardtime company has been given a task to develop a global digital platform called #VaccineGuard, which will be launched on the 1st of April 2021.… #VaccineGuard is a digital infrastructure for connecting different participants in the vaccine ecosystem (vaccine manufacturers, hospitals, public health authorities, certificate providers, wellness app providers, citizens, border guards, insurance companies) enabling data
Dec 21, 2020 16 tweets 10 min read
#polio, let's go right to the beginning to understand that vaxx did nothing to eradicate it. So what is polio? In simple terms it is the inflammation of the gray matter of the spinal cord. It can also occur in the brainstem. Image We have been conditioned to believe that polio equals braced limbs, iron lungs etc. Actually only those infected with #bulbarpoliomyelitis, which affects the brainstem, were placed in #ironlungmachines Image
Nov 18, 2020 15 tweets 16 min read
1. This thread is about an interesting clue @CzebotarJessie inspired me to look into- #architecture. Apparently, certain masonic architects, such as #FrankLloydWright, designed structures, which can indicate either a safe house, a house where sex & rituals can take place etc. Many houses have a network of tunnels underneath them. From the outside, it is hard to tell, but for instance, looking at the #WHWinslowResidence, the stairs from the pantry, could indicate an entrance to the tunnels.
Nov 17, 2020 5 tweets 5 min read
Why don't they just leave #Africa alone? The #DSIAfricaProgram gives me the creeps. #IBM, #Philips, #GatesFoundation all there, ready to experiment on them. Note 'mining of text or data to discover trends' in 'Using Data Science to Fight Covid'… They partner with #AmazonWebServices & #GoogleCloud. Also, AI is being used for 'Biomedical Excellence' #AIBLE to create Data Design Centres- what's that? How to invent a pandemic based on fake positive cases of the non-existent virus?
Nov 17, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
#HelgaZeppLaRouche: #climatechange is a 'satanic swindle' #greenfascism… the purpose of which is to establish a modern feudal oligarchy, in which the club of billionaires live in gross luxury, while the mass of the population is to be left in backwardness with sharply reduced living standards, lower life expectancies & reduced cognitive capabilities
Nov 16, 2020 9 tweets 10 min read
1.Got my mind blown by #DrKatherineHorton's video in this great thread, she is a targeted individual & her video on the #JesuitEducationalEstablishments is mindboggling!… 2. She was a fellow at #StJohnsCollege at #Oxforduniversity, has a Phd in #particlephysics, worked at #DESY & #CERN, & was targeted by the British Intelligence as a test subject for #targetedenergyweapons. Her bio is here:
Nov 16, 2020 14 tweets 16 min read
Sorry but guess their cause of death was put down as covid? #PiatraNeampt… Do you think they just burned #Christmas? In the typical satanic ritualistic style? #Romania #VladtheImpailer Image
Aug 3, 2020 4 tweets 5 min read
The crimes committed by the Zionists of today are the same as committed by the Jews in the #BalticStates in 1940-41. Here are the examples of the atrocities committed by #Jewish #exterminationbattalions in Estonia: #rape, removal of breasts, genitalia, eyes, live burning, ...#nailing of children up in trees, beating #pregnant women to death, affixing babies to the breast of their mothers with bayonets, cutting off women's breast and tongues. #HansGrabbe aka #HasaHoff; #MikhailPasternak #Jewishkillers