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✅The IMF Executive Board has approved #LK's 17th IMF program, under the Extended Fund Facility (EFF). However, this is only the beginning.

Here is a 🧵about what this means for 🇱🇰 and what happens next. 1/6

#EconomicCrisisLK #IMF #SriLanka #Reforms
🏦The EFF aims to provide assistance to countries experiencing serious balance of payments imbalances because of structural impediments, or slow growth. It provides support for comprehensive programs with policies needed to correct structural imbalances over a longer period. 2/6
🚫What it is not? The #IMF program is not a bailout. With an IMF program comes credibility and it aims to bring back confidence in 🇱🇰's economy giving #LK access to bilateral, multilateral and financial markets. However, it does not solve all 🇱🇰's economic woes. 3/6
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