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Jun 11th 2020
I've received a few requests from Year 1 PhDs for resources to get started with CA & IL. I'm still relatively inexperienced, but I do know where to start diving in, so this long thread, I hope, will be of use if you want to know where the action is (pun intended!).
But before I include any introductory biblio, I'll share some links, as a greater part of my training has involved doing CA with others and actively interacting with the wider EMCA-IL community (Ethnomethodology, Conversation Analysis, Interactional Linguistics) in different ways
As someone who tried to self-teach CA, I have to say it's a bit tricky if you have not "experienced" it. I'd read textbooks and papers during my MA and thought I knew "how", but I realised I was really wrong when I got to join my first live CA gig....(drumroll) the data session.
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