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Jul 4th 2022
How we've kept husband covid free thus far as I isolate:

1) Separation: I'm spending most of my time in one bedroom, him in another. Master bed, where I am, has its own bathroom. Towel is under the door in both rooms. I come out on very briefly occasion, but (1/n)
we coordinate via text/phone to make sure we're back in our rooms b4 the other comes out.

2) n95's: Each wearing if out of our rooms.

3) HEPA/CR Boxes: #IQAir HEPA unit in my room is running higher than necessary for this room. Have a #corsirosenthalbox in hall/foyer (2/n)
connecting the 2 rooms. Have 2nd CR Box on lower level by kitchen bc I go down briefly. CR boxes set on top speed. Made them w 5 filters (not 4) by adding extra one on bottom and lifting w blocks creating another filter surface. (Instructions for CR Box at end.) (3/n)
Read 14 tweets
Jun 28th 2022
I’m covid+.

My precautions have been extreme.

I’m immunocompromised, functionally impaired, & medically complex. My husband has diabetes, & nervous system/vestibular damage due to a bad med reaction. I’ve been concerned about outcomes for both of us. 1/ Image
I’ll try to answer the questions here that I always wonder abt when I read others who have tested positive after saying they’ve been “so careful”. Diff ppl have different ideas of “careful”.

All in all, we have all the conditions to protect ourselves.

We have no kids. 2/
I can’t imagine losing more function to my already compromised life, so I’ve worn n95 & safety glasses w side shields. I actually wear a double cloth mask over my #envomask to be less conspicuous.

Since 3/20, all med appts have been online, except for 2 derm visits long ago. 3/
Read 32 tweets

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