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Apr 3rd 2023
1/📣#GITwitter last but not least
#ShortBowelSyndrome #MNIBDTweetorial🧵w @valcohranmd @DCharabaty

🤝Role of MDT 4 strongest 💪team
🏥Intestinal rehab. program breakdown

🏆#CME ℹ️
Support by an edu grant from @TakedaPharma

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2/#MondayNightIBD #ShortBowelSyndrome #MedTwitter #GITwitter #MedPeds #BonumCE

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#IBDPoll 1️⃣

➡️50-yo pt w 1y hx of SBS after multiple short bowel resections for stricturing Crohn’s
Labs show dehydration & nutrient deficiencies
U discuss initiating #ParenteralNutrition

➡️You focus on educating pt on which of the possible complications...
Read 21 tweets
Feb 6th 2023
📣#GITwitter #PedsGI

⚕️Join experts @valcohranmd @Subramanian1MD ⚕️& @DCharabaty addressing the long & the short of:

🎯Optimizing care of #ShortBowelSyndrome

🏆🆓 #CME 🔗
Supported by an edu grant @TakedaPharma
2/#MondayNightIBD #GITwitter #PedsGI #MedEd #MedTwitter #MNIBDWebinar #BonumCE

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3/#MondayNightIBD #GITwitter #PedsGI #MedEd #MedTwitter #MNIBDWebinar #BonumCE

🟠Full CME ℹ️ 🔗
🟠Make sure you answer the pre-polls! 👉

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Feb 4th 2023
👋#PedsGI #GITwitter
🗓️Feb 6-Join @Subramanian1MD @valcohranmd @DCharabaty

⬆️⬇️ Safety & efficacy of med tx
🔑4 your practice

Support by an edu grant from @TakedaPharma

🗳️#PreConvo #IBDPolls👇
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#PreConvo #IBDPoll 1️⃣


🟢The GLP-2 analog teduglutide was shown in clinical studies to be associated w/ which of the following outcomes?
#PreConvo #IBDPoll 2️⃣


🟢Young adult pt w/ SBS is experiencing significant diarrhea (≥20 BM/day) despite tx w 8 mg/day loperamide.

Appropriate mgmt includes _____
Read 5 tweets
Jan 23rd 2023
@MondayNightIBD @DCharabaty @BonumCe @TakedaPharma 2/ #MondayNightIBD #ShortBowelSyndrome #MedTwitter #GITwitter #MedPeds @BonumCe

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@MondayNightIBD @DCharabaty @BonumCe @TakedaPharma 3/#MondayNightIBD

💊💉Meds = important 🛠 in mgmt of #ShortBowelSyndrome

💎Antimotility & antisecretory agents frequently used to control stool loss
💎Incl loperamide, diphenoxylate w atropine, codeine, & tincture of opium
💎Most effective ~30 min B4 meals & @ bedtime 🛏
@MondayNightIBD @DCharabaty @BonumCe @TakedaPharma 4/Growth factors also available for #ShortBowelSyndrome
🚦Somatropin (rhGH) approved in SBS
🛑Use largely discontinued due to unacceptable toxicity & modest long-term efficacy

Read 23 tweets
Oct 10th 2022
@MondayNightIBD @DCharabaty @TakedaPharma 2/ #MedTwitter #GITwitter #MedPeds @BonumCE

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@MondayNightIBD @DCharabaty @TakedaPharma @BonumCe @jantchou @NavreetChowlaMD @BattatMD4IBD @dr_rdvenkatesh @StacyKahn_MD @ashishpatelpch @ConradCole10 @Leicnut 3/ #Parenteralnutrition is used in cases w GI dysfunction
➡️replace nutrients ➡️essential components pt would otherwise be unable to absorb from their 🥪🍜🍱

In pts w #ShortBowelSyndrome, PN is given @ home🏠 usually @ nt🌛
@MondayNightIBD @DCharabaty @TakedaPharma @BonumCe @jantchou @NavreetChowlaMD @BattatMD4IBD @dr_rdvenkatesh @StacyKahn_MD @ashishpatelpch @ConradCole10 @Leicnut 4/@AmerGastroAssn Clin Practice Update on #ShortBowelSyndrome #ParenteralNutrition

🌟Best practices
💎 Pref of tunneled CVCs
💎Micronutrient deficiencies monitoring
💎PN volume/contents based on pt weight, labs, stool/ostomy & urine output, signs of dehydration
Read 21 tweets
Sep 12th 2022
⌛️#GITwitter #PedsGI - the wait is over!
🎆 Join @valcohranmd & @DCharabaty
📽️#MNIBDWebinar🎞#ShortBowelSyndrome Consult w the Expert

#CME👉 🔗…
👇#PostConvo #IBDPolls

Supported by an educational grant from @TakedaPharma…
2/#PedsGI #GITwitter #GIFellow #IBDTwitter #MedEd #MedTwitter

🟠Earn #CME 🏆
🟠Full CME ℹ️ 🔗…

#MNIBDWebinar #BonumCE
📸 Faculty disclosures & important CME info 👇 Image
3/#MNIBDWebinar #MedTwitter #GITwitter #GIFellow
🟠Full CME ℹ️ 🔗…

🔴 Where are you in your career?
Read 7 tweets
Jun 28th 2022
I’m covid+.

My precautions have been extreme.

I’m immunocompromised, functionally impaired, & medically complex. My husband has diabetes, & nervous system/vestibular damage due to a bad med reaction. I’ve been concerned about outcomes for both of us. 1/ Image
I’ll try to answer the questions here that I always wonder abt when I read others who have tested positive after saying they’ve been “so careful”. Diff ppl have different ideas of “careful”.

All in all, we have all the conditions to protect ourselves.

We have no kids. 2/
I can’t imagine losing more function to my already compromised life, so I’ve worn n95 & safety glasses w side shields. I actually wear a double cloth mask over my #envomask to be less conspicuous.

Since 3/20, all med appts have been online, except for 2 derm visits long ago. 3/
Read 32 tweets

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