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Apr 30th 2021
Here is a thread of videos of me and @Jaimi_Shrive having a chat about our new report


You can download it from…
Video 2: What theories does the data challenge?


Video 3: 51% of 22,419 UK women reported having woken up to their partner performing a sex act on them

Me and @Jaimi_Shrive discuss

Read 9 tweets
Apr 30th 2021
This hugely important report lays bare the sheer scale of violence towards women in today’s society. I completed this survey. We cannot continue to make excuses for men whilst thousands of women are being subjected to violence. No more normalisation. #IThoughtItWasJustAPartOfLife
‘Not All Men’, but certainly almost all women. Sexual harassment and assault has become a part of our every day life. When did society decide to accept that? Read the full compelling report by @Victim_Focus here:… #IThoughtItWasJustAPartOfLife
Thank you @DrJessTaylor and @Jaimi_Shrive for this incredible piece. Many will try to invalidate you- & thousands of women’s experiences - because they are not ready to face the huge realisation of how deep their misogyny lies. But it’s brave women like you who’ll create change.
Read 4 tweets

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