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Apr 12th 2019
On June 1st, @GeorgiaDemocrats and @TrainDems will host a #BlueBenchTraining to build up the next group of dems.

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With @TheMasters in town, @GovKemp * is trying to hide his anti-women, anti-business policy agenda from the world. But, @GeorgiaDemocrat s aren't giving up and we will keep calling out @GovKemp * and @GaRepublicans . 2/
[ANNOUNCEMENT] This year’s @TheDemocrats African American Leadership Summit and #IWillVote Gala will be held in Atlanta on Thursday June 6th. Tickets will be made available for purchase in the coming weeks. 3/
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Jul 30th 2018
Want to know what the DNC is up to 99 days out from the election? Let’s take a look at the top 10 investments under the new leadership of @tomperez. (1/12)…
The DNC made a major nationwide cell phone acquisition, adding 94 million cell phone numbers. Why? Because we know it’s a winning strategy. It helped us win in Alabama & will help us win up and down the ballot. cc: @raffi (2/12)
The DNC is targeting a new universe of unregistered voters to expand its registration advantage. We, along with @blue_labs , identified over 25 million likely Democrats who are currently unregistered. (3/12)…
Read 12 tweets
May 21st 2018
Hi! I’m Karen Carter Peterson, DNC Vice Chair of Civic Engagement & Voter Participation — I’ll be taking over @TheDemocrats. Yesterday we celebrated the 25th anniversary of the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), & today we’re talking about how it benefits voters. -@TeamKCP
NVRA was passed by Congress in 1993 after finding that “discriminatory and unfair registration laws” in many states reduced voting by minority and low-income citizens. -@TeamKCP
The NVRA was designed to streamline the process of voter registration and create national standards for mail-in voter registration and voter list maintenance. It was a huge victory and a key step in closing the voter registration gap -@TeamKCP
Read 9 tweets
Mar 27th 2018
Hi Twitter — @Grace4NY here. I'm a DNC Vice Chair, and in the spirit of #WomensHistoryMonth, I'm taking over @TheDemocrats Twitter today to talk about why access to feminine hygiene products is an important economic justice issue. - @Grace4NY
Women deserve equal access to our economy, not punishment for their gender. That's why I've been working with my fellow women to fight for more access to tampons, pads, and the full range of menstrual products since 2015. - @Grace4NY
I've introduced legislation to make these products more affordable — because leveling the playing field and stopping period-shaming give women, especially low-income women, a better chance to succeed in our economy. - @Grace4NY
Read 6 tweets
Feb 28th 2018
Hi Twitter! I’m Karen Carter Peterson, the DNC Vice Chair of Civic Engagement and Voter Participation, & I’ll be taking over @TheDemocrats Twitter today to wrap up #BlackHistoryMonth! Today I’m highlighting black activists, past and present, who embody our values. - @TeamKCP
The 4 pillars of our #IWillVote program are Commit to Vote, Register to Vote, Protect the Vote, and Get Out the Vote. While Trump and his cronies create fake commissions to investigate problems that don’t exist, these activists are on the ground doing real work. - @TeamKCP
Evelyn & Albert Turner exemplify the first of our pillars: Commit to vote. By helping people vote with their absentee ballots, they were able to elect candidates to the school board and county commission in AL. - @TeamKCP #IWillVote
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