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Aug 29th 2021
#SeditionHunters - we knew that PA State Sen #IamDougMastriano, former Army Lt. Col, was present at the Jan 6 attack, walked around the Capitol, & saw the NE barricade breach firsthand. Now @K2theSky and team show that he was on the E Plaza to watch the stairs breach as well. 1/
After Trump's speech, Mastriano rode a VIP golf cart from the Ellipse to the W. Capitol like the high-level #SeditionVIP that he is, then did a grand tour of the successive breaches. K2's team track his circuit. (Video by @CoryCullington.) 2/
Mastriano's golf cart meant he would have arrived in plenty of time for the 1:47 PM breaking of police lines under the NW Scaffold. He then followed organized instigators around to the NE barricades, crossed police lines in the breach, & stayed for the taking of the E. stairs. 3/
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