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Nov 13th 2019
.@RepAdamSchiff closes his opening statement quoting Benjamin Franklin at the close of the Constitutional Convention, when asked what sort of country the US would be.

"A Republic, if you can keep it."

#ImpeachmentHearingsPBS #ImpeachmentPBS
@RepAdamSchiff .@DevinNunes attacking Democrats' credibility and intentions in his opening statement.

Dismisses #impeachmenthearings as a "sham," a "televised theatrical performance," the "low rent Ukrainian sequel" to "the Russia hoax."

Also defends Pres. Trump's firing of Amb Yovanovitch.
@RepAdamSchiff @DevinNunes Who are George Kent and Bill Taylor, testifying in today's #ImpeachmentHearings ?

A reminder from my @NewsHour colleague @cjnorwoodwrites...
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