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May 9th 2022
"Almost 40% of patients that shared a hospital room with someone with occult SARS-CoV-2 infection became infected.
The risk was highest for patients sharing rooms with individuals with very low Ct counts. Others"
#ViralLoad #InfectiousDose
"although nosocomial spread of SARS-CoV-2 is relatively rare with standard infection protocols, there is a high risk of transmission for patients in shared hospital rooms if their roommate is acutely infected."…
"PCR-positive results in contacts independently increased with higher case viral loads (lower cycle threshold [Ct] values)"
"Overall, 85.4% PCR-positive contacts had an index case with an estimated viral load of ≥10 000 RNA copies/ml (Ct ≤ 24.4)."
#ViralLoad #InfectiousDose
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