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Aug 23rd 2020
For #WeeklyPapers this week, I've chosen to present a new paper that is explicitly about autistic men.

While there is a lot of autism work which has mostly/all male samples, looking at male lived experiences *in their own right* is still surprisingly rare!

#Autism #AutisticMen
"What does success mean for autistic men? A narrative exploration of self-determination" (2020) Webster & Garvis, ADLI

Most of my work has focussed on non-male autistic people, so I'm looking forward to reading qual work that looks at male exps w/gender lens, not as 'default'

Most outcome work assumes/shows neg adult outcomes, so want to talk to aut men who see themselves as successful. 10 men interviewed, self-determination theory emerged as key theoretical lens. Success felt to come from work, self-awareness & self-reflection.

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