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Apr 7th 2021
1. Has anyone else had problems with @IrregularChoice jewellery? I ❤️ the designs so much, but when my #Kittynaut necklace arrived the clasp came off as soon as I took it out the box! I was annoyed because it was so f* expensive for costume jewellery but thought sod it I’ll just> Image
2. put it back on myself. Then I wore it once and it came apart, but I loved it & there were no more and so I botched it together, wore it once more & it totally fell apart 🤬 Then I fell for the #IrregularChoice Smile necklace in the sale, second time I wore it, it fell apart > Image
3. Again, #IrregularChoice jewellery is damn expensive even in the sale so I thought I’d better complain this time but having had such bad health recently with low mood just couldn’t face it... crazily to cheer myself up I very stupidly ordered their Pink Poodle earrings. Yes, > Image
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