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Aug 19th 2022
#Janmashtami2022 musings.

What's it about Bhagawan Sri Krishna that calms and enthralls our mind and soul?
Is it his playfulness, as a child, that captures our mind?
Or his wise words of wisdom, during periods of turbulence in our minds, that tells our heart - now that you have surrendered your problems to me, from now onwards keep calm and do your duty?
Or is it the visualization of Krishna as he manifests in various forms especially the Vishwaroopam as he humbles our mind and whispers in our ears, that in my presence, your imaginary problems are nothing?
Read 8 tweets
Aug 18th 2022
Shri Krishna – The Complete Man : The 16 Kalas

"Agnirjyotirah Shukla Shanmasa Uttarayanam
Tatra Prayata Gachhanti Brahm Brahmavido Janaah"

Shri Krishna says, the yogis who leave the body in six months of Uttarayan, Agni, Jyoti, Day, Shukla Paksha, means men and yogis in whom
the self-knowledge becomes the light, they become fiery like daylight, luminous like moonlight of full moon, ultimate luminous of six months of Uttarayan due to the knowledge. That is, those who become enlightened. Self-knowledge means knowing oneself or recognising oneself
apart from the mortal body.

Shri Krishna is the only Complete Man adorned with 16 Kalas.
Let’s discuss what these Kalas are.

Every human has these five basic Kalas.
1. Annamayaa
2. Pranamayaa
3. Manomayaa
4. Vigyanamayaa
5. Anandmayaa
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