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Oct 18th 2022
The saga that began on 25/12/12 has finally reached its logical end. Finally, Justice prevailed and the innocent imprisoned for a decade were acquitted honorably. All hail Shahrukh Jatoi! The shining, smiling face of a vibrant, thriving Pakistan!
Sadly, some people are bent on snide remarks and loose talk. Thankfully, their number is not large. They weep for Shahzeb’s family. Why? Didn’t Shahzeb’s family get a butt-load of money?

And more importantly, Shahzeb’s killers magnanimously decided not to carry out their threat of abducting and raping his sisters. Shahrukh Jatoi killed Shahzeb while defending his honor. The honor of scions like Shahrukh is the honor of Pakistan.
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