Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #JohnMcAfeeDidntKillHimself

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Jun 23rd 2021
(1) This thread includes some of my previous work on the far right's concept of #Arkancide and it's relation to the Qanon mass delusion phenomenon, Epstein, McAfee, and the ongoing consequences of not having a #Jan6Commission.

There's a lot to unpack.
(2) Even before Epstein's death on August 10, 2019, it was common for those who saw #Arkancide under every rock to post online messages like this one: Image
(3) People started adding #EDKH to their tweets for "Epstein didn't kill himself."

Yes, I did too. I don't delete tweets from my time as a Trump supporter. That's cowardly. I will instead answer good faith questions about it from anyone.

We're all allowed to change our mind.
Read 21 tweets

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