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Sep 26th 2018
Livestream of DC Circuit argument (starting momentarily) in Garza v. Hargan, AKA the @ACLU's Jane Doe case re abortion rights of unaccompanied immigrant minors #appellatetwitter #justiceforjane…
Oyez, oyez, oyez. @brigitte_amiri's name mispronounced in the intros, taking that as a good omen.
DAG focusing on breadth of the district ct order they're appealing, says he will circle back to mootness and class cert. Citing Bellotti to say gov't has a role to play in youth decisions. 1st question hones in on how ORR still gets to play role while complying with this order.
Read 67 tweets
Sep 5th 2018
Kavanaugh just cited the ‘Ginsburg principle.’

There’s no such thing as the ‘Ginsburg principle.’
There’s no such thing as the ‘Ginsburg principle.’
There’s no such thing as the ‘Ginsburg principle.’
There’s no such thing as the ‘Ginsburg principle.’
Orrin Hatch just quoted someone saying that “Brent Kavanaugh is a mensch,” which I suppose is great news for “Brent Kavanaugh,” wherever he is
Per Hatch's patronizing question just now: What do the "mentoring and coaching [Kavanaugh] has provided [to women] over the years" have to do with anyone's bodily autonomy?

I mean, what??
Read 31 tweets
Jun 5th 2018
We're still fighting the Trump administration's no-abortion policy for young immigrants in federal custody. Yesterday, two big rulings came out — from SCOTUS and the DC Court of Appeals. #JusticeforJane

We understand that's confusing, so we're going to break it down. Thread ↓
Yesterday, the Supreme Court:

✓ Vacated a decision that applied to one woman, who already got an abortion, without addressing the Trump administration's no-abortion policy overall.

✓ Rejected the administration's claim that our lawyers acted unethically by helping our client.
The Trump administration asked the Supreme Court to discipline our lawyers for helping Jane get the abortion that she had a constitutional right to obtain.

SCOTUS refused. #JusticeforJane…
Read 6 tweets

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