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This week, a headstone was dedicated at the grave of the 110 smaller babies Lauren and I recovered from a medical waste box last year. Image
The 5 older babies we found showed wounds consistent with federal crimes (including violations of the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act and the Born Alive Infant Protection Act).
But the smaller babies were killed legally and we wanted to ensure that they received a proper burial, a burial the DCPD and Mayor Bowser would never give them.
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This morning activists with the Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising conducted a protest outside Rayburn US House of Representatives building to demand #JusticeForTheFive babies discovered by PAAU activists last year.
Holding images of the victims, the activists then moved into the street and blocked traffic in both directions. Police arrested 7 of the activists as they sang and chanted, calling upon congress to hold hearings for the babies and to pass a national abortion ban at viability.
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BREAKING: 7 PAAU activists were arrested outside the Rayburn Congressional House Building for a nonviolent direct action demanding #JusticeForTheFive
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TODAY: PAAU held a press conference and demonstration outside the DC Board of Medicine demanding the revocation of abortionist Cesare Santangelo’s license to dispense medication…
We call for this because of his ongoing and documented history of violations against informed consent national standards of medical care, and continually botching of procedures that has led to the death of at least one patient.
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This undercover footage from @LiveAction is groundbreaking, let’s cover the main findings.…
This footage was taken inside Cesare Santangelo's abortion facility. He is the abortionist who killed the DC 5. You can read more about what that means and the activists who found the babies here if you haven't heard about their story yet. 1/8

Many of the people talking about or covering the story of the 5 DC babies claimed that these babies MUST be miscarried or aborted for medical reasons. This video directly proves that Santangelo kills children between 20-40 weeks electively on a regular basis. 2/8
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BREAKING: Undercover expose exposes potential violent crimes committed by notorious late-term abortionist Cesare Santangelo, “The Butcher of D.C”.

🧵 Shocking footage released today by Live Action, captures Santangelo’s staff in January of this year, admitting…
he does not use feticidal injections to prevent live births, and that he will only answer patient questions once they’re under the influence of Xanax.

This is new evidence in the ongoing international quest for #JusticeForTheFive. Activists are calling upon the D.C.P.D. as well
as the U.S. Department of Justice to investigate the deaths of the five and their killer, Cesare Santangelo.

Santangelo’s facility, the Washington Surgi-Center in Washington D.C. is the site where PAAU activists uncovered the fetal remains of 115 aborted babies.
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BREAKING: Live Action has just released brand new undercover footage from this year recorded in the abortion facility run by notorious late-term abortionist Cesare Santangelo in Washington DC showing serious human rights abuses & ethics violations.
The undercover footage shows that the Washington Surgi-Clinic abortion facility is forcing mothers to take mind-altering medications before meeting with the abortionist and giving final consent.

This is a violation of basic medical ethics.

RT! 2/10
The patient has filed a complaint with the DC medical board, supported by expert medical testimony on the mind-altering effects of the drug (Xanax) that the abortion facility attempted to force on her.


3/10 #JusticeForTheFive
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HUGE UPDATE on #JusticeForTheFive

Legal Counsel with @PAAUNOW, the activists who found the bodies of children killed by an abortionist in DC, has verbal confirmation from the DC Medical examiner that he has agreed to allow a private pathologist to examine the five babies. 1/6
This news also shows us that the bodies of the children have not been disposed of, and are still with the medical examiner.

The deaths of these children can be investigated. Federal law was likely violated in the way they were killed & an autopsy can help uncover the truth. 2/6
It is chilling and representative of the bloodbath that our society has become that these killings were permitted to begin with. Santangelo continues to kill babies–many of them nearly full-term–on a weekly basis in Washington DC. DC officials permit it. Let that sink in. 3/6
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It’s been THREE weeks since D.C. homicide unit took possession of the bodies of five babies, found lacerated and killed outside an abortion clinic.

This story clearly shows why we need a total ban on abortion in our nation. Here’s a recap of the timeline & major events: 1/19
March 25 -A box of 115 children including 5 in later development were retrieved from a waste company by activists at the abortion facility.

Activists video documented the children & contacted @DCPoliceDept to have the bodies picked up so their deaths could be investigated 2/19
March 29 - Arrangements were made for the D.C. police homicide unit to pick up the bodies of the five oldest children for forensic examination.

Through counsel, the activists sent a letter to the Chief Medical Examiner and Police Captain requesting a full investigation 3/19
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Photojournalists have documented human atrocities - including abortion - for decades…
Journalists published graphic photos:
While not comparing one atrocity against another, it is in this spirit that pro-life activists have stepped into the world of photojournalism and investigation to expose what is hidden behind the walls of legal abortion facilities inside the United States.
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THREAD: Abortion is legal through all 9 months in D.C. That’s one of the reasons why @DCPoliceDept didn’t blink an eye when they saw 5 little corpses, including the corpse of a nearly full-term, healthy baby boy dunked in a waste bucket. 1/13

And the broken body of a 28-30 week old girl whose neck was savagely cut & brain sucked out, her skull collapsed. Their only baby pictures are images of the violence done to them. 2/13
Infanticide & partial-birth abortion are both still illegal & the burden of proof is on D.C. police to prove that little boy wasn’t born alive before he was killed. And that the little girl wasn’t a victim of a PBA, but the clear & obvious trauma on her body says she was. 3/13
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BREAKING: Sixty-nine members of Congress led by @SenMikeLee & Rep. Chris Smith demand that the Attorney General and the @TheJusticeDept step in to conduct a full investigation into whether the deaths of the five infants violated federal law.…

D.C. law enforcement has had the bodies of five fully-formed babies in their possession for more than a week while refusing to investigate. No autopsies have been performed. It is a horrendous cover-up.

Thousands have expressed outrage at D.C. authorities’ decision not to further investigate or perform autopsies. They have ignored the public outcry from Congress, medical professionals, and people of conscience from around the nation. 3/7
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THREAD: The dishonest, lazy reporting by @wusa9, @washingtonpost, @nytimes, and so many other publications about the horror story unfolding in Washington D.C., at Cesare Santangelo's late-term abortion butcher clinic is devastating to victims.


These "reporters" demonstrate no journalistic integrity or curiosity. All they seem interested in is attempting to smear pro-life activists & protect abortionists.

Mainstream journalism is dead in D.C. & dead in exposing America's atrocities against our youngest children 2/18
5 murdered infants were stuffed into a medical waste box, being loaded onto a truck to be incinerated into "renewable energy" The box was intercepted. Reporters aren’t interested in reporting what the babies endured. They aren't curious about who mercilessly slaughtered them 3/18
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🧵The following thread lays out the timeline of events that led to calls for #JusticeForTheFive

#DCPDAutopsyNOW Image
Time stamps have been included for any photos pertaining to the transportation of fetal remains on the part of Curtis Bay Medical Waste to prove the authenticity of the event timeline. Image
Curtis Bay Medical Waste is now denying that the box of fetal reminds was ever given to PAAU activists despite the fact that their company branding is all over the truck, and box. Image
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BREAKING: Horrifying Google Reviews left in the last year, including ONE WEEK AGO on Cesare Santangelo's abortion facility, may indicate rampant infanticide:

One woman was on day 1 of a 3-day procedure, "covered in blood & bleeding profusely" in a hotel room..."
"I was in labor, I don't remember what happened exactly or even if he was born alive at 27 wks...When I asked questions no one told me anything other than "that wasn't supposed to happen"... After I pushed him out I didn't even get a glance at him because she rushed out the room”
Another woman says "I went for a abortion and I paid 5,000 cash. Just to be rushed to the hospital on my third day with my baby being revived and she later died July 30th 2020..."

Cesare Santangelo and Washington DC Surgi-Clinic are potentially violating state and federal law.
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BREAKING: Last night 23 members of Congress led by @SenatorLankford & @Jim_Jordan sent a letter to @MayorBowser demanding #JusticeForTheFive including full autopsies, potential referral to the Department of Justice, and dignified burial for the five infants. 1/14
The letter asked seven vital questions of the mayor, each of which were requested to be fully answered by the end of TODAY. Here are the questions in their entirety. Understanding these answers will be the beginning of achieving justice and peace. 2/14
Question 1: As you are aware partial-birth abortion is illegal and punishable by fine, imprisonment or both. How did the Metropolitan Police reach the conclusion while recovering the remains of each child that all of the children died as the result of a legal abortion? 3/14
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BREAKING: Crucial thread ahead answering some of the outstanding questions about the five infant bodies found in DC brutally killed. (1/15)

@PAAUNOW confirms in a press conference that the bodies of the 5 infants were recovered from Curtis Bay Medical Waste Services outside Cesare Santangelo’s abortion clinic in DC on Mar 25 when a driver gave the activists a box of aborted children set to be burned as medical waste Image
Curtis Bay’s website says it incinerates biomedical waste to turn into “useful energy”

The activists alerted @LiveAction, which documented the remains. They also alerted law enforcement, who, as requested, picked up the remains from the activist’s home. Image
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Neonatal specialist Dr. Robin Pierucci said that the five preborn children surrendered to DC authorities “were viable, premature people.” 1/7…
Who were these children, and how did they die?

Baby boy #1 “appears to be in the 3rd trimester near term and looks like he should have been in the nursery,” says Dr. Kathi Aultman.

Unclear how little boy was killed. Autopsy necessary. 2/7
Baby girl #2: Neonatologist Dr. Kendra Kolb: "This baby appears to be somewhere between 28-30 weeks gestational age, with evidence of deep lacerations to the posterior neck which presumably correlates to the method of abortion used to end her life,” 3/7
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.@DCPoliceDept has claimed no “illegal abortions” yet failed to do autopsy. The bodies have been in their custody for three days now. These are viable babies, some fully intact, one born en caul, and one w/ trauma consistent w/ illegal partial birth abortion. #JusticeForTheFive
DC police and medical examiner must conduct proper medical examination of the five children to determine manner of death immediately. Anything less is serious dereliction of duty. #JusticeForTheFive
Conducting an autopsy for these children must be the absolute MINIMUM that DC must do to ensure that federal laws were not violated in the deaths of the 5. #JusticeForTheFive
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BREAKING: WaPo reporting that DC police has admitted that NO autopsy has been performed on the five infants.

Autopsy is nexessary to determine confirm cause and timing of death. Were fully viable, intact babies, incl Baby X born en caul, killed after birth? #JusticeForTheFive
DC police have claimed these aren’t illegal abortions. How do they know? Two viable, fully intact babies were found. What was their cause of death? What about Baby Girl #1, her neck severed and brain removed, who appears to be a victim of an illegal partial birth abortion?
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BREAKING: Infant Bodies May Indicate Infanticide After Attempted Abortions

The bodies of at least 5 preborn children, some of whom may have been born alive and then killed, have been discovered in Washington DC.

Prepare for graphic imagery ahead in this critical thread
Baby girl 1 appears to be in the early 3rd trimester and has indications she may have been alive at the start of the procedure.

If true means the abortionist would have committed an illegal partial-birth abortion, where a baby is partially delivered before a doctor ends her life Image
Beautiful Baby Boy 1 looks to be between 30-32 weeks of gestational age. He is totally intact and the size of a small newborn. He appears to be completely normal and looks to be aborted using the induction method, which uses medication to induce labor. Image
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