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Dec 13th 2022
1/ #OncTwitter #NephTwitter #TumorBoardTuesday
#RenalCell #MedTweetorial🧵
w @brian_rini @shilpaonc @katy_beckermann

🦺TKI/IO safety data
🥽Tox to look 4
⛑AE mgmt

🆓#CME @BonumCe🔗
Support by edu grants from Eisai & @Merck

🟢What's your specialty?
2/ #TumorBoardTuesday #BonumCE #RenalCell #OncTwitter #NephTwitter
🆓#CME info ➕ full ref list🗒️ 👉

✳️The critical elements👇 Image
3/ #TumorBoardTuesday #BonumCE #RenalCell
#OncTwitter #NephTwitter #MedTwitter

🟢 Which of the following TKI/IO combo regimens is 🚫NOT approved by the FDA for the frontline mgmt of #RenalCell carcinoma?
Read 27 tweets
Dec 13th 2022
1/ #OncTwitter #NephTwitter
#RenalCell #TumorBoardTuesday #MedTweetorial 🧵
w @brian_rini @shilpaonc @katy_beckermann

🦺TKI/IO safety data
🥽Tox to look 4
⛑AE mgmt

🆓#CME @BonumCe🔗
Support by edu grants from Eisai & @Merck

🟢What's your specialty?
2/ #TumorBoardTuesday #BonumCE #RenalCell #OncTwitter #NephTwitter
🆓#CME info ➕ full ref list🗒️ 👉

✳️The critical elements👇 Image
3/ #TumorBoardTuesday #BonumCE #RenalCell
#OncTwitter #NephTwitter #MedTwitter

🟢 Which of the following TKI/IO combo regimens is 🚫NOT approved by the FDA for the frontline mgmt of #RenalCell carcinoma?
Read 27 tweets
Sep 19th 2020
@myESMO #ESMO20 as a #trainee can be #overwhelming! So many good studies, some more #practicechanging then others, if you missed some and want to understand (albeit at a simplistic #trainee level), sit back, relax and enjoy as we go through some great data #ESMO20 @OncoAlert
1. #NSCLC: 2 major studies #ADAURA #CROWN for adjuvant #EGFRmNSCLC, and advanced #ALK+ experts can provide better perspective @JackWestMD @n8pennell @StephenVLiu @AMansfieldMD @CharuAggarwalMD @NarjustDumaMD @GlopesMd @DevikaDasMD @OncoAlert
1. A) #ADAURA: Stage IB-IIIA #resected #NSCLC with #EGFRm treated with #Osimertinib vs #placebo [SOC prior to this was adjuvant chemotherapy [cisplatin-based doublet based on #LACE metanalysis-] showed improvement in #DFS @NEJM…
Read 19 tweets

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