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Feb 28th 2023
February 29th is a unique day & this lady who was born on in 1904 was not only unique, but also extraordinary.
She protected our Dharma from treacherous missionaries and her name was #RukminiDevi.
The Christian missionaries and British officials presented
"nautch girls" of Uttara & "devadasis" of Dakshina Bharat as evidence of "harlots, debased erotic culture, slavery to idols and priests" tradition, and Christian missionaries demanded that this must be stopped, launching the "anti-dance movement" in 1892.
The anti-dance camp
accused the dance form as a front for prostitution, while revivalists questioned the constructed colonial histories.
In 1910, the Madras Presidency of the British Empire altogether banned temple dancing.
And then, there were widespread protests across Tamil Nadu, but for couple
Read 13 tweets
Feb 24th 2020
Christian missionaries and British officials presented "nautch girls" of Uttara & "devadasis" of Dakshina Bharat as evidence of "harlots, debased erotic culture, slavery to idols and priests" tradition, and Christian missionaries demanded that this must be stopped
launching the "anti-dance movement" in 1892.
The anti-dance camp accused the dance form as a front for prostitution, while revivalists questioned the constructed colonial histories.
In 1910, the Madras Presidency of the British Empire altogether banned temple dancing.
And then, there were widespread protests across Tamil Nadu, but for couple of decades nothing progressive happened, finally with the help of #KrishnaIyer, this story's Heroine #RukminiDeviArundale came as saviour for the great art #BharataNatyam.
Read 12 tweets

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