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May 11th 2022
This is the cynic's guide to making Cape Town the greatest city in the world!
1. Law Enforcement must take charge of this city. Indiscriminately fine the homeless - especially in winter - as it will fundamentally deter more homeless from living in the inner city;
2. Increase Law Enforcement officers because crime = homelessness = crime. Lets not pay attention to other areas in our City where shootings and murders take place, because that is a National SAPS matter.
Read 13 tweets
Sep 18th 2020
[PRESS STATEMENT] Premier @alanwinde's appeal of the Tafelberg judgment shows lack of leadership to break from the past & advance spatial justice | #Land4PeopleNOT4Profit #StopTheSale
@alanwinde @ReclaimCT 2/ Today, @WesternCapeGov @alanwinde lodged an appeal against the landmark Tafelberg judgment that sets aside the sale the Tafelberg property & affirms that the Province & the @CityofCT have a constitutional duty to redress spatial apartheid. #Land4PeopleNOT4Profit
@alanwinde @ReclaimCT @WesternCapeGov @CityofCT 3/ Judges Gamble & Samela found that the @WesternCapeGov & @CityofCT “did not have suitable policies in place to facilitate & promote access to affordable housing” & had “not taken adequate steps to address the legacy of apartheid spatial planning in central Cape Town &surrounds”
Read 17 tweets
Sep 15th 2020
Webinar: Equitable access to land

Finally, a court said to government: no, you can't sell off public land when it could be used for affordable housing. Join activists & allies to map the way forward.
Thur 17th 13.00
#Land4PeopleNot4Profit #EquitableAccess…
@MandiShandu says the Tafelberg judgment in case taken by @ReclaimCT shows that spatial inequality has to be disrupted, and the state - city, province & national - all have constitutional responsibilities to use public land to foster redress & equity.✊🏽 #Land4PeopleNot4Profit Image
@CapeTown sold off land earmarked for affordable housing, for a short-term cash injection of R130 million. It was unconstitutional 'cos the state has constitutional duty to provide access to adequate housing (Section 26(1)) & equitable access to land (Section 25(5). @MandiShandu
Read 21 tweets

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