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Jul 20th 2021
#PennyAppeal is yet another ‘charity’ which looted Covid relief funds meant for India. Like others:
>It stole by promising help that never came
>It is also connected with Pak based radical Islamist groups.
Only difference – it was better at ‘projection’.…
Same Wine New Label:
COVID Crisis seems like an endless opportunity for criminal groups from IMANA & Muslim Aid to now - Penny Appeal. It was founded by UK-based Pak origin Adeem Younis & claims 7 fronts. But the fronts are only façade - they are managed by same ppl.. (2/n)
Australia Chapter:
The FB page of Aus chapter was earlier Muslims Without Border-MWB. Interestingly, MWB was also United Muslim Relief (UMR)’s name earlier. UMR’s board member is IMANA Chair Ismail Mehr.
(Read the whole Covid Scam of IMANA in #CovidAidScam2021 Part-1)
Read 19 tweets
Jun 29th 2021

What would a War Criminal, alleged Terrorist, and former Pak Army General do when they come together?

You are wrong.

They would do ‘charity’ to help India during the Covid crisis!

Read on. (1/15)

#CovidAidScam2021 #MuslimAid…
A Season of Charity

Among ‘charities’ popped to collect funds to #HelpIndiaBreathe was Muslim Aid. The ‘Charity’ had distinction of a convicted war criminal as its chairman– Chowdhury Mueen-Uddin, who killed 100s of Bengali intellectuals in 1971. (2/15)
A Loot by several hands:

Muslim Aid collected funds through at least 3 of fronts– the US, UK, & Australia. They all ran several fundraisers through social media as well as through the shady fundraising platform #LaunchGood apart from taking direct funds through websites. (3/15)
Read 15 tweets

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