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Mar 24th 2023
Wales the most LGBTQ+ friendly nation?

You might as well take the LGB out of that right now on this showing @WelshGovernment

A shocking bin-fire of a meeting

@UKLabour @Keir_Starmer no wonder women can’t trust you


A 🧵
It may have helped if the host from @LGBTLabour had actually asked questions from those attending

Did you know questions were rapidly being deleted from the chat bar @hannahblythyn?

Did you know that lesbians were being silenced?
Did you know that any challenges to the deletion of questions were being removed @hannahblythyn?

We’d like the host from @LGBTLabour ‘Ash’ to explain why the questions of lesbian were repeatedly deleted

Surely the L is an important part of the LGBTQ+ Plan? Surely? No?
Read 14 tweets
May 5th 2022
Thread 2: 1/10 more gorgeous #LesbianVisibility with @Woman4W 🌹💜 Image
2/10 from Brazil with @baphonaty Image
3/10 from Germany Image
Read 9 tweets
Jun 1st 2021
It's nearly impossible to begin to disentangle the fight for LGBTQ+ rights from the battle for AIDS education, prevention, protections and awareness.
So I try to begin each Pride month by recognising some of the people who were truly pioneers that helped shape my own work as an AIDS activist, a social justice warrior, civil rights ally, and LGBTQ+ activist.
And that list always begins with some of those pioneers who can easily get "lost" in the pages of history...
Queer women.
Read 12 tweets

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