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Oct 3rd 2019
We’re here outside the Massachusetts State House in Boston in support of @MovimientoCosecha, with immigrants and allies. We demand that legislators follow through on their promises to protect immigrants in the state of Massachusetts. THREAD:
The undocumented community has been fighting for driver’s licenses for 15 years, and still lawmakers have not delivered on promises to grant access to licenses regardless of immigration status.
Last month, @MovimientoCosecha held a quinceanera to “celebrate” 15 years of fighting for this right. They've been delivering cake to lawmakers in the weeks since, one piece for every year the immigrant community has waited for licenses. Today they'll deliver the 15th piece.
Read 11 tweets
Oct 3rd 2019
🚨 HAPPENING NOW: #JewsAgainstICE are protesting outside the Newark ICE office, demanding the immediate passage of the Driver's Licenses Bill that would allow immigrants to drive without fear of being deported, because #NeverAgainMeans #NeverAgainParaNadie…
.@NeverAgainActn and @CosechaMovement are here in Newark, demanding an end to all immigrant detention and deportation in the state of New Jersey and an end to NJ Democrats' collaboration with ICE. #NeverAgainNewark

Follow the livestream here:…
@CosechaMovement "Inside the city of Newark, there is a concentration camp right here." #NeverAgainNewark

Sign up to support the immigrant community here in New Jersey:
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Oct 3rd 2019
BREAKING: 🚨🚨@CosechaMovement and @NeverAgainActn are visiting MA Speaker of the House DeLeo’s office to tell him that he has the power to push the legislation forward for drivers licenses for undocumented folks. Check this thread for updates #LicensesForAll
@CosechaMovement If you're on Facebook, follow the livestream here:…
@CosechaMovement Background: There are 14 states and two municipalities in the United States that let undocumented immigrants apply for drivers’ licenses. If Massachusetts is really such a progressive state, why have our legislators not passed licenses yet?
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