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Aug 9th 2020
'Turkish Tel Abyad', that is how the vast majority of its inhabitants (Arabs) call the Turkish half of Tel Abyad. I wanted to see it with my own eyes, cuz I wondered if the town was like half Turkish half Arab or majority Arab. It is absolutely the latter. It is an Arab town. Image
Of course, education, services and so on are Turkish and jn Turkish. But the Arab inhabitants speak Arabic among themselves. They are bilingual. Same goes 4 the town of Harran, roughly between Şanlıurfa and Akçakale. Ak = white, kale = castle/the Turkish translation of Tel Abyad.
What I also learned, the Arabic of Akçakale/Turkish Tel Abyad, Harran and Şanliurfa (mixed population) is like Iraqi Arabic, to my surprise. It started already in the hotel where a waitor said 'aani' (ana, Iraqi way). In Akçakale I heard a lot of -ich instead of -ik: beitich. Image
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