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May 5th 2022
Good morning, literacy advocates! 📖

We will be live tweeting the virtual Literacy Summit today starting at 11:00am ET with panelists @nicknanton1, Pamela Good, @unfoldthesoul and moderator @LianaLoewus of @usnews.

Follow along and join the conversation #LiteracyMatters
Interested in attending the live, virtual Literacy Summit at 11:00am? There's still time to register and receive the link. Click here:
.@GabriellaBurman, Comms Director @beyondbasics, launches the summit and moderator @LianaLoewus directs attention to The Truth About Reading trailer @truthabout2022, a documentary directed by panelist @nicknanton1. Watch it here 👇🏻
Read 10 tweets
Feb 6th 2022
I was only able to catch part of @DrSarahLupo's session at #LiteracyMatters, but I was delighted to see that she was speaking about the importance of knowledge-building curriculum!

Definitely gonna catch this recording.

Knowledge-building curriculum isn't just about a healthy dose of nonfiction!

There is SO much more to the intentional design.

I talked about this in my session, too. @DrSarahLupo went into greater detail.
We aren't just building new knowledge, we are thoughtful about activating prior knowledge...

Read 4 tweets
Feb 5th 2022
Our brains ARE wired to pick up spoken language naturally. Humans have been speaking for 50,000+ yrs.

But we've only been writing for 5,000 yrs!

Written language is manmade... and needs to be taught.

@carolyn_strom unpacks the brain science at #LiteracyMatters conference. Image
Parts of our brain are naturally wired to understand sounds and words.

But, no part of the brain comes wired at birth to understand letters / words.

With years of reading instruction, we train our brains to recognize words, as @carolyn_strom explains. Image
.@carolyn_strom has been working on ways to explain the neuroscience of reading to families, without all of the scientific jargon, using a storytelling framework.

She has given more accessible names to the parts of brain doing the work of learning language & literacy.
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