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Feb 15th 2021
A 55 días de las #Elecciones2021 algunos candidatos que lideran las encuestas proponen "SOLUCIONES" a problemas MAL diagnosticados. Lo que es peor, proponen cambios profundos al modelo económico sin entenderlo. (1/11)

#peru #longpost #datos

cred: @elcomercio_peru
Ej: @yonhy_lescano propone (i) mayor participación de empresas estatales, (ii) control de precios, (iii) cambio de #Constitucion y (iv) reforma del sistema financiero; porque eso "va a tono con la economía social de mercado" (2/11)


cred: @TrujiYo
Ej. @Vero_Mendoza_F "Es tiempo de refundar el país con nuevos valores (…) tenemos la oportunidad histórica de cambiarlo todo” 👉

Lo de Vero no es nuevo, desde el 2016 aspira a "cambios profundos" en el modelo económico. (3/11)

cred: @SEMANAeconomica
Read 11 tweets
Nov 12th 2020
Frend napisao omanje objasnjenje o nadolazecem cjepivu, pa dijelim da saznate tko koga kako i sve to. Uzivajte #longpost

Ponukan dobrim prihvaćanjem prošlog pojašnjenja funkcioniranja cjepiva na način da skužiš
čak i ako nisi liječnik ili znanstvenik, kriminalno-nogometnim rječnikom, pokušat ću složiti par riječi o novom cjepivu o kojem se piše.
Donji tekst su pregledali i potvrdili ljudi koji su liječnici, imunolozi i/ili znanstvenici - hvala im!
Kontra nekim napisima, mRNA nije "tehnologija koja dosad u medicini nije bila odobrena", što ima izrazito negativan prizvuk, kao da je to nešto zabranjeno jer je užasno loše, pizde ga pokušavaju odobriti, ali ne prolazi i ne puštaju van, bla bla..
Read 23 tweets
Sep 6th 2019
#LongPost but #MustRead👇

#Indigenious People of #JammuKashmirLadakh - A perfect visual delight of culture and heritage of each region, so beautifully crafted by 2 young #Dogra Boys🤝- One belongs to #WestJammu in #POJK and another from #Samba Village.
VOD takes pride in sharing their artwork so that the world and nation see the ethnic diversity and amazing blend of culture in J&K.

🙏Arsalan Khan: A British-born Pahari who happens to be an artist. A Rajput (Gakhar) from West Jammu (now in POJK)
🙏Raja Sourav Singh Sarmal: Born in Dogra Ràjput in Simblna village of Samba district of J&K, currently an engineering student and preparing for UPSC. Working with Arsalan on various art on JK as his companion.
Read 6 tweets

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