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Oct 21st 2021
Fresh analysis thread 🙌

Manchester United staged an impressive comeback from two goals down to move top of Group B and ease some of the pressure that had been building on Ole Gunnar Solskjaer... 🧐🧵

🔋 @Wyscout

Manchester United initially found it easier to progress possession towards the right, where, owing to Atalanta’s out-of-possession 5-3-2, Aaron Wan-Bissaka came under less pressure when receiving the ball... 🧐🧵
When Atalanta adjusted to start pressing Fernandes - Demiral, from the centre of their back 3, usually did so – Fred withdrew into deeper territory to draw his marker and Shaw pulled wider on the left to tempt his opposing wing-back towards him and played balls in behind... 🧐🧵
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